Every day is a fresh beginning,
Listen my soul to the glad refrain.
And, spite of old sorrows
And older sinning,
Troubles forecasted
And possible pain,
Take heart with the day and begin again.
(Susan Coolidge)
Happy New Year one and all!
We may be into the second week of January, but if you're anything like me and slowly coming out of hibernation, re-awakening your senses and creativity after taking time out for the festive period, the year still feels very new.
I love the above poem by Susan Coolidge and feel it is very apt for the start of a new year. Some of you may well have made resolutions for the new year, or been setting goals that you'd like to achieve over the next twelve months. For me, I have some quiet ambitions, as does Sarah, and I'm sure we'll share these with you as we go along. However, I'm not one for setting strict resolutions at the start of the year and all the pressure that I feel doing so entails if you stray from the road you set out upon within a short space of time! I've been there and had enough of doing that! Instead, I like to think that no matter the day, or what's gone before, each new day is an opportunity to reset, start again and try something new if you so wish.
From myself, Sarah and our flock we wish you all the best for 2023 and may we allow our souls to listen to the 'glad refrain' of the opportunity available in each new day.